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Co2 Fractional Laser

How does it work?

The co2 laser uses a unique head piece which tracks the CO2 10.6 um wavelength light as it passes light through its optical lens to penetrate the skin. We can control the depth of the penetration from only a few micrometers in depth (only as deep as a few sheets of paper) to much deeper with tiny thermal channels. This will also determine the length of healing, the number of treatments and the cost. Each thermal channel creates a small micro-injury but does not significantly disturb or disrupt the surrounding tissue.

These microscopic injuries caused by the laser (around 15-20% of the treated area) are the beginning of the healing process. By creating thousands of these perforations underneath the skin, your epidermis layer starts to heal from the edge of these microscopic perforations very quickly. By healing so fast it remodels, tightens and stimulates the collagen, your skin tightens, which in turn smooths out lines, and significantly improves your skins tone and complexion.

What results can we expect?

With moderate to strong treatment you can expect an immediate tightening of the skin with some noticeable results seen in as little as one treatment. A single treatment can lessen the look of wrinkles and fine lines from your face for up to several months. More than one treatment may be needed for deep scarring to be removed. You can be assured a faster healing time than other treatments such as standard CO2 laser skin resurfacing, dermabrasions, and even deep chemical peels. You can also have a mild treatment with some improvement in skin texture and a quick return to normal activities.

1. USA Coherent imported RF tube

2. Two mode

Fractional model for skin resurfacing including

  • Remove acne, acne scar, scar and so on;
  • Dispel wrinkle around the eyes, crow's-feet, and wrinkle formed by lack of water;
  • Effectively reduce the wrinkle on the face, forehead, the joints and striae gravidarum;
  • Dispel freckle, nevus zygomaticus and other spots formed by hyperchromic pathological changes;
  • Tighten skin and lift face;
  • Remove striae gravidarum and other deep scars

Normal mode for surgery treatment including

  • ENT surgery(ear, nose, and throat)
  • Gynaecology disease
  • Skin excrescence



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