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  • Portable SHR IPL

    What is AFT SHR IPL? ● AFT SHR is the next generation of intense pulsed light. It takes formerly unused short-wavelength light and converts it into part of the usable spectrum through a special filtering system. It increases emission and penetratio
  • Co2 fractional laser

    How does it work? Theco2 laser uses a unique head piece which tracks the CO2 10.6 um wavelength light as it passes light through its optical lens to penetrate the skin. We can control the depth of the penetration from only a few micrometers in depth
  • portable co2 fractional laser

    How does it work? Theco2 laser uses a unique head piece which tracks the CO2 10.6 um wavelength light as it passes light through its optical lens to penetrate the skin. We can control the depth of the penetration from only a few micrometers in depth
  • diode laser SL-D3

    How it works? 808nm diode laser hair removal treatment will be accomplished when destroying hair follicle unit by using thermal damage of laser fluent, thus inhibiting future hair regrowth by follicle. The widely optional pulse duration (20 to 1000m
  • portable diode laser 100B

    How it works? 808nm diode laser hair removal treatment will be accomplished when destroying hair follicle unit by using thermal damage of laser fluent, thus inhibiting future hair regrowth by follicle. The widely optional pulse duration (20 to 1000m


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